Are They Making A Maze Runner 4
Posted : admin On 2/28/2019
The Maze Runner 4th Movie
A film with little substance or meaning. Zero plot, zero character development and zero fulfillment after watching. Cardboard actors, poor plot line (wasteland zombie survival by inexperienced 'teens' with luck on their side). I simply cannot understand why Hollywood can continue to churn out such condescending and boring films like this which cost a fortune to make (wow - must be good if cost $100million!). I can only think that Hollywood marketing overrules common sense of young adults whom Hollywood execs think are easy to hoodwink to pay and watch tripe like this. It's up to you, but if you go and watch this and waste your money watching the same, then don't blame me for not warning you. Total garbage and about 2 out of 10 from a film lover with 35 years viewing experience. Bangla language learning.
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